looking for Bo-Howdy genetics, we purchased Bo-Duke from JB Ranch in Texas. Duke is a big poweful long bodied buck with big bone. We crossed him on our Patiot does and boy were they nice. Big thick level topped does. We sold Duke to Mike Fautt in Paicines, CA
11th Annual East Texas Boer Goat Show 1 – placed 2nd 12-16 mos. FB Bucks
Sam Houston Boer Goat Show- placed 3rd 6-9 mos. FB Bucks
4th Annual Piney Woods Boer Goat Show Classic – placed 3rd 6-9 FB Bucks
EGGS Ryals Magnum ( ennobled)
RRD Ryals Topbrass (ennobled)
RRD Nikita J134
Sire: Agenews Bo Howdy (ennobled)
EGGS the Sequel (ennobled)
EGGS Macey (ennobled)
ABF Lillie (ennobled)
SEBG N Botha Glipsies 498
WWF Go -Man-Go
BWY Chikado V
Dam: MKT Go Mans Greta ( ennobled)
DOW2 Flatt Creek SA Stinger
DNF – Miss Lucy
ACJ Louise